What an adorable Award: I Love Your Blog! Thank you Rhonda at Living Water Christian Academy for thinking of me and giving me this award. I really appreciated receiving this award and what a WONDERFUL way to be welcomed back to the blogging world after my "short" summer break.
Now to "Pass It On" on to five... (oh this is a tough one)
Patricia at Classical Education Our Way takes some of the best pictures in the world, is always sharing what she loves to do with her family, and is a blessing to visit with in IRL.
Tami at Ambleside Classical is always sharing what she is doing with her DD and I just can't wait until she comes off her summer blog break!
Tressa at Tressays is a wonderful writer! I love reading her posts. I feel as if I am sitting down with a cup of jo visiting with her and listening to her talk IRL. (Hey... I need to do that soon!) I need to spend a little time catching up on her blog since my blog break. Sad to say, I've barely visited any blogs during my break and this is one blog I wish I would have visited more often. How are you doing my friend? *Ü*
Barb at Handbook of Nature Study! I saw LisaWa gave her the award for her other blog (Harmony Fine Arts) so I am hitting this one! *Ü* This award says it all! Thanks for all you do for others! You are such a great encourager and it is a blessing to know you. (Update: I just noticed Lisa awarded her for both blogs! Hey that's not fair!!! LOL Anyways, my decision still stands *Ü* )
And the next award goes to everyone else that stops by here to see what Jetihoja Academy is up too. This award is for you! Grab the button and pass it on! *Ü*
Ha! Is too! I got to it first! (wink) LOL
Thanks Tina,
I appreciate your nice words and your sentiment. I am so glad that you think my blogs are encouraging. I always try to help as many fellow homeschooling moms as I can.
Thanks again for the award.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
PS glad you are back to your blogging
You are so sweet! I am so glad to see that you are blogging again. I have missed you too, my friend. I think a cup of coffee sounds like a great idea! :)
THANK YOU!!!!! (I am blushing now.)
I am so glad you are back to blogging. I have missed you!
You are all welcome!
And you didn't already receive one Lisa, I would have sent one to you!
I wish I would have done WW, but hey, moderation is the key here. :)
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