Saturday, December 29, 2007

Look Who's on the Cover of HOAC Catalog!

Wow! I couldn't believe it when my friend emailed me and told me to check out Hands of a Child's new 2008 Catalog. She said someone I know would be on the front cover! WOW!

Well, needless to say I dropped everything I was doing at the moment and headed over to Hands of a Child and checked out the new catalog. Timmy is on the front cover holding the Extreme Weather Lapbook. And that isn't all, my children are on other pages throughout as well.


* Timmy is on page: 22 (Lions)
* Jessica is on page: 44 (Biltmore House)
* Jake is on page: 44 (Out Like a Lion & In like a Lamb)
* And a group photo (Jessica, Timmy, Holly, & friend) of a a class I did at my home on Extreme Weather is on page: 23

This catalog is wonderful! It is full of GREAT coupons, Question & Answers, wonderful articles, and more. I recently received the hard copy of this catalog. It is a wonderful to sit down with some coffee and read catalog! You can also download in ebook format for free at HOAC.

I always enjoy reading the HOAC catalog!

And I don't think I shared this other tidbit with you. Timmy is also on the HOAC blog logo. :o) What a photogenic child I have!



Mama Peep said...

He is very photogenic. And you a great mom for lapbooking. I get around to one every 6 months if that. DD has been working on for about 3 months now and we are no closer to finishing. Oh well....

Great job mom!!!

PS: off to the HOAC website....

Anonymous said...

That is soo cool! I can say that I know a famous person. :)

Meliss said...

How cool! It is true. Your children are very photogenic. They make great poster children!

Tina in WA said...

Thank you. :o) And yours take the cake too! I loved the TV remote WW. :o) He is adorable!


Rhonda said...

Neat! What a great picture.

I live in perpetual hope that my children will decide they like lapbooking. :)


Tami, full-time mom; part-time foodie said...


So when are you going to get your kids an agent? What cuties! You are the most consistent lapbooker I know! I so on-again-off-again.

: )

Tina in WA said...

Thanks Everyone! I am really excited they ended up in there. :o) What a blessing it is.

Tami~ We really haven't done a lot of lapbooking this year. With lapbooking zoology (ok we did do a couple others), I just don't feel like we have done much this year. But I guess we may have done more than I thought we did. :o) Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi. It is great to see you!
