Saturday, September 29, 2007

Time Travelers Colonial Life: Day 11

For Day 11 we did Lesson 17: Colonial Artisans Part 1 and Lesson 18: Colonial Artisans Part 2

Wow, so much accomplished for this day! I am amazed all the different trades that were within a community.

We learned about Apprentices, who are folks that learned from someone that was already skilled in a trade. Different types of trades we learned about where: Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Whitesmiths, Gunsmiths, and Glassblower to name a few.

Our activity for this day was to make our own tin candle holders. We filled out containers up with water and froze them. Once frozen we used the provided patterns and punched holes in the tins using a nail and hammer. The kids had a BLAST doing this and some did more than 1 of them.

We also copied "The Village Blacksmith" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and read this poem out loud. What an amazing poem.

We also created a file folder game titled "A Trip To Town". The the instructions to make and play this game is included in the study cd: Colonial Life. It was fun game and turned out beautifully.

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